It is my pleasure to welcome you to Stratford upon Avon School. We are passionate about our mission to engage, enthuse and inspire young people. Visitors invariably comment on the energy and enthusiasm of our staff and the excellent relationships evident with students. We are very proud of the fact that our recent Ofsted report starts by highlighting how “EVERYONE at Stratford upon Avon School is committed to ensuring that pupils feel safe, happy and successful. This is achieved very well”. This really is a lovely school and great place to learn and work. Please explore our website or get in touch to find out more about our unique selling points.
Your next choice of school should be the one best placed to enable teenagers to thrive. We provide the breadth of opportunities that you’ll only find in a big school. We offer an array of courses you won’t find elsewhere, including options like Architecture, Photography and Sociology. From the RSC to Cambodia, our range of clubs, trips and enrichment opportunities offer something to enthuse everyone. Our teams regularly progress to the final stages of regional and national competitions in different sports, including girls’ and boys’ football, netball, dance, trampolining and go-carting.
Our school has a genuinely warm atmosphere and supportive relationships between students and staff. Another advantage of being a big school is that you will find plenty of kindred spirits. Our pastoral support is a real strength and we provide a supportive environment with a friendly, family feel through our college system. New students quickly settle in. Whilst it seems big from the outside, it doesn’t once you’re part of it. As well as specialist subject teachers, key staff will monitor the progress of students to ensure that individuals fulfil their potential.
We have a clear focus on raising standards of appearance, behaviour and conduct. Behaviour is very good at the school and this doesn’t happen by accident, but because of our attention to detail. We issue with behaviour grades every lesson and notify parents daily when students either exceed of fall short of our expectations. We believe that attitude is a choice and that everyone can get better at what they do. Students who do not meet our expectations are dealt with firmly but fairly. It is the certainty, not severity of sanctions that has impact.
The purpose of education is to prepare youngsters for adult life and we believe that the best place to do that is in a non-selective, co-educational environment. Students need to develop the skills to thrive alongside different people in different environments. We strive to ensure that youngsters keep their options open and develop the skills, attributes and qualifications to flourish in future. The quality of careers guidance given to students is exemplary and ensures that our students are extremely well prepared for their next steps.
Over recent years we have made tremendous progress as a school and this is now reflected in strong examination results for our students at both GCSE and A Level. Given the comprehensive nature of our intake, we focus on ensuring that our students make excellent progress from their individual starting points.
This is a lovely school with outstanding facilities, delightful students and a talented, dedicated staff. Our staff, our students and their families know this is now a terrific school and are rightly proud of it. We look forward to you becoming part of our wider school community.